Sunday, May 26, 2013


"True study of the Way does not rely on knowledge or genius, cleverness or brilliance. Though it is a mistake to encourage people to be blind, deaf or stupid. Because study has no use for wide learning and high intelligence, even those with inferior capacities can participate. True study of the Way is an easy thing.

As I see it now, it is a matter of gaining the desire to practice. A person who gives rise to a real desire and puts their utmost efforts into study under a teacher will surely gain enlightenment. Essentially, one must devote all ones attention to this effort and enter into practice with all due speed.
There must be a keen and sincere desire to seek the Way, For example, someone who wishes to steal a precious jewel, must, at all times watch intently for the opportunity, adjusting to changing and shifting circumstances. Those who have this drive, even if they are stupid, will without fail gain enlightenment.

To arouse such a mind, one must be deeply aware of the impermanence of the world. This realisation is not achieved by some temporary method of contemplation. It is not creating something out of nothing and then thinking about it. Impermanence is a fact before our eyes. We are born in the morning and die in the evening; the man we saw yesterday is no longer with us today. These are facts we see with our own eyes and hear with our own ears.

Life is indeed an uncertain thing. In this hateful world where death may come at any moment, it is absurd to plan your life, intrigue maliciously against others, and spend your time in fruitless pursuits. Because impermanence is a fact of life, the Buddha spoke of it for the sake of all beings. Think only of this very moment, and waste no time in turning your minds to the study of the Way. After this it is easy. It has nothing to do with the quality of your nature or the dullness or keenness of your capacity. "

Adapted by Vidyavajra from Shobogenzo Zuimonki by Dogen. Trans. Reiho Masunaga. Pub. Hawaii Univ Press

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