Fabulous word combination of the moment.
I'm not even going to explain. Let's just leave it there for you to imaginatively play with what the hell that could be.
2nd January 2024
The first time writing 2024 - there - that went OK. The opening days of the new year have been OK too, quite gentle and at ease. No pressure. Simultaneously working on the garage and data entry for our tax accounts. By the end of 2023 the garage is pretty stuffed, needs storage shelves erecting, rubbish removing, generally a third sweep through what is there, chucking out anything unworthy. I think in the end it will be fine, but it's gonna take a while yet before its fully workable. Particularly as our attention is so bifurcated at present.
Our garage is actually pretty dry, because it has a damp course under its floor. However, its at the end of a row, so has two external walls. Over the years there's been a build up of muck and dumped detritus down one side of it. This has meant the ground level is now above the damp course, so damp is beginning to infiltrate the bricks. I have, at some point to rectify this, my back and weather permitting. I'm hoping this won't turn into a Herculean endeavour.
7th January 2024
Got back today mid afternoon from a visit to Hubby's family in Nottingham, which was a very enjoyable couple of days away from data entry, the garage, and future plans.
Nottingham's roads are, I have to say, in a truly terrible condition, worse than anywhere else I know in the country. They have never been good, but are now entering a different degree of degradation. You regularly encounter huge deep constellations of potholes, not just along the gutters but across the middle of a road, and pretty much every district that you go through. With surfaces so badly pitted, all it needs is a deluge of water with a pronounced frosty cold spell and you'd reach down to the19th century cobbles. Well - Hello! - here comes Winter 2024!

In Arnold someone thought it helpful to outline in white or yellow the edges of them. Though this is considerate, you can hardly miss seeing them. But you can imagine if they got filled with water you would have no idea how deep they might be. A halo might help. Nevertheless axles do get broken. I'm writing about Nottingham's roads at such length because they really are in a chronic state of decay. It's no wonder areas feel left behind and abandoned. I was truly shocked and appalled of North Norfolk.
Nottingham Council has recently gone bankrupt, so nothing is going to happen to rectify this urban decay anytime soon. It is another sign of how, in this country, we are fast becoming a failed state. One that cannot manage even to maintain its infrastructure, let alone improve it.
8th January 2024
Hubby starts his new part time job at a local haberdashers today, which he is quite looking forward to. He knows, likes, and gets on with the people who run it. So that does help make it feel an easier thing to adjust to.
At some point I need to think about how to restructure my daily routine, now I'm ever so partially retired. For the present, there are still many demand led post shop things to help in the sorting out of. Not the space for anything else as yet. There are, however, truly burning issues like - when will I go swimming this week? Previously I worked these around my shift in our shop. Going swimming either before or after that, pool timetable permitting. Now the choice of 'when' is all mine, it feels like this unwanted decision has now heavily fallen into my lap.
10th January 2023
Well, Hubby is absolutely loving his new job. Already feels on top of it after a couple of days, and has fixed their till. Nothing surprising there then. Me? Today I achieved going swimming for the first time this year, and put a draught excluder on our front door. Slightly wonky and slightly off centre, but it is there keeping the cold gales at bay. ( I had to reposition it anyway because the flap wasn't opening easily )
Meanwhile, data entry is entering its easiest phase, post the busier Summer months. I wouldn't say I'm sailing through them, but I've definitely found my input rhythm. Each year I get into this, and have every intention of carrying on and keeping up this year, and then something comes between me and my great passion. Every time! So, this year I'm not going to say anything. Keep shtum and see what the future brings.