Friday, December 20, 2019

SHERINGHAM DIARY 31 - Echoes Of The Unlived Life

As I sit in the shop looking out at the people in the mall outside, It can feel like I'm in a goldfish bowl going round and round goggle eyed with my mouth open. You start believing you can read the retail runes. The tangible difference in people when they are willing to spend money and when they are not.  Ideally they smell and examine the soaps on our outside stalls and then bring them in with a particular bounce in their step and an air of enjoying that process of choice then purchase. When they do not, you experience what I've come to refer to as 'The Day Of The Soap Sniffers', a series of people disinterestedly shoving soaps up to their noses, inhaling the soap's perfume as a sensory distraction, whilst emotionally inured to taking it further, to actually purchasing. It can feel like some sort of tease, when after a few minutes they wander off with an air of having had their free fix.

Sometimes its possible to expend so much mental imaginative energy on what you wish or want to happen in life, that you can forget to fully engage with the life that is actually before you. Its quite feasible to inhabit an entirely unlived life. When times get a bit tougher its easy to sustain yourself by imagining more favourable outcomes, of a better life. This is another way of existing within the unlived life. Somehow through wishin' and hopin' and prayin', plannin' and dreamin' with enough passionate fervour the imagined life will inevitable turn up and become reality - it will be here. Even now, when I'm in my early sixties my mind can hark back to older dreams and aspirations -'if this would happen, then I'd feel happier and more fulfilled'

On quiet days in the shop, I can find myself imaginatively interacting with the ideal unlived life, because I'm a bit bored with what the real one is serving up. There is a way to look at my desire for busy-ness, for being occupied with custom in the shop, as an existential distraction. Mostly from actually fully feeling the boredom. Tolstoy once called boredom 'the desire for desires' but what is it that we face when we have no tangible desires? There seems to be this perilous undertow of unbridled fear, perhaps of failure, the failure to succeed in life, to do something notable or worthy before I die. To fear our mortal nature will rob our lives of the chance of being significant. Unless we succeed at something, this life wont amount to a hill of beans. The unlived life is like this, its similar to the quest for the Holy Grail, the unlived life wont allow itself to be found. This leaves our actual life steeped in a wake of poisonous regret.

What if I could let go of addiction to the fake optimism of the unlived life and attempt to be with whatever is there? Yes there could be pain, but also the pleasurable relief from reflection, analysis and comparison. If there is only what there is in this moment then the imagined unlived life is just one aspect of what Dogen describes as 'the dream within a dream'?  Can we, as Rev Leoma said recently, trust that whatever happens is what needs to happen as a function of conditioned co-production, and do that without becoming fatalistic or not actively engaging with contributing to those conditions? We have to keep putting something out there, its just the consequences of this wont necessarily turn up instantly or turn out as what we imagined we wanted. Each presenting moment will be whatever it needs to be, whatever the conditions make it.

A life in retail is what it is. Quiet days are quiet days, busy days are busy days, with little point in trying to psychoanalyse collective behaviour, to understand why something has or hasn't happened. Some days start off quiet and you mentally write them off within the first couple of hours, then for a brief hour or so it turns into a hive of activity. What was looking dire suddenly turns into a decent days takings. Nothing you did changed that, but nevertheless your mood is transformed from pessimistic to optimistic. Its hard to cultivate and maintain equanimity with your life when your desire is for something else.

Life hurries on towards the end of the year and I feel very mixed emotions about what has come to pass. It has undoubtedly been a tense and momentous year, not without its joy and a sprinkling of hurrah moments, but taking place in front of a nation in a state of unease with itself. The election provides a resolution of sorts, but unrealistic promises have been made, so there will be days of reckoning. Yet maybe this is all as it needs to be, the result meets the current zeitgeist. Perhaps we have to trust that the consequences of handing power to a lying toe rag will show us something we need to learn as a country

As you may have guessed from the general tone of this blogpost I'm not feeling brim full of optimism. Though its intensity has subsided, I still have residual anger and frustration eating away in the pit of my stomach. I voted tactically as I've reluctantly had to do on far too many occasions in my adult life. Most of the time it is without success. But how else do I make my vote effective? Its this, or voting for a party I feel an affinity with, that either hasn't a hope of getting parliamentary representation or will be inadequately represented due to the first past the post voting system. I'm sure I'm not alone in being tired of my vote having no influence. To resort to apathy and not vote at all, though understandable, is a cop out. As our democracy silently slips from being a two party system into a seemingly never ending Tory hegemony, my sense of despair gets angrier and more militant in tone. Giving up for me would only exacerbate the problem.

Sheringham seafront during a recent storm

The political combined with the actual weather, has brought week after week of storms wearing down public confidence in the run up to Christmas. Its been tough trading conditions since mid October, which calling a general election was a significant factor in accentuating. Its our first year of trading in Sheringham so its hard to know if this is what its usually like. Fellow Courtyard shopkeepers tell us 2019 trade is well down on last year. So as we complete our seventh month since opening we bolster up our confidence with how well we've done so far, and bear with all the other external factors that are so much beyond our control. Understanding retail patterns in a small seaside town outside its Summer season has proven frankly utterly baffling.

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