Thursday, December 17, 2020

POEM - Submit

to dam the air against movement,
to fight back flight or flurry, in an
ineffective resistance, standing witness
to the willful impetus of wind
flying in your face, buckling
the knees, slipping past any resolution,
playfully flipping what's left
of your hair, into a squall of snakes
subverting umbrellas, turning the night skirts
of your romantic soiree inside out, gales just
walk over and around, they belittle our pathetic persistence
beneath an elemental brassiness, still we are trying
intransigence, the swingeing demand, tantrums
of exasperation, the wind commands
you surrender yourself, to it
stop walking head down, into it,  body
positioned against the riotous force, of it,
and submit 
just do it
submit, be
with it.

Written October 2020
Stephen Lumb

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