Tuesday, February 09, 2021

TV FAVE RAVE - Interior Design Masters

Now on its second series under the new Design Masters banner, and I think its forth format revamp, I think this programme may have finally found, not only the right presenter in Alan Carr, but the right balance of experts, novice designers and tasks set.

The nonsensical and completely unnecessary recycling challenge they once threw into the already turbulent mix midway has, thankfully, long gone. What you need to see is left entirely to the camera and edit - the character of the designer, how their talent, personal conceits and preferences, resilience and resourcefulness stand up under pressure.

This years crop are the usual, and hence, very familiar, motley bunch. The twink who thinks they are god's gift to design, the flamboyant OTT designer who you just know is going to struggle to rein it all in, the inspired one who's designs are too clever or elaborate by half, always in danger of having to do a last minute edit to finish on time.- the one who self sabotages with confidence issues, but usually pulls it off - the one who can't budget to save their life - the inexperienced raw talent that blossoms and will often win the competition. Also, every male contestant, if they are not already gay, then their dress sense and camp demeanour show they've read and inwardly digested the entire bible.

Episode 1, did not disappoint. Michelle Orgundehin has found her feet now, so she can say quite cutting but true things to a contestant like 'your just lazy as a designer' and you cry freedom for her. She met her match this week with the seasoned performer that is Lawrence Llewelen-Bowen, also both a master of design and the pithy put down.

Marvellous stuff.

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