Friday, February 18, 2022

BROTHER DAVID ON - The Difference Between Gratefulness & Thankfulness.

'Gratefulness is something other than thankfulness,
you can't be thankful to have war,
but you can be grateful in any situation.
And when you are grateful then you will be joyful.
What does it mean to be joyful?
Well, joy is the happiness that doesn't depend on what happens.
Even if the worst happens you can be joyful because your gratefulness,
in contrast to thankfulness,
is simply the full response to that that is gratuitously given.
Every moment is gratuitously given,
a pure gift,
you haven't brought it about,
you haven't bought it,
you haven't earned it,
you haven't made it,
it is a gift.
Every moment is gift,
and the only appropriate response to the given moment is gratefulness.'

Brother David Steindl-Rast
taken from Every Moment is a Gift, a You Tube video

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