Tuesday, August 30, 2022

WATCHED - Jibaro

Jibaro is one episode from the recent Netflix series of the excellent Love, Death & Robots.  Love, Death & Robots are short 15-20 minute animated features. All explore themes of either Love, Death or Robots, sometimes all three, generally with some sort of futuristic, horror or fantasy twist. I've watched all three series and Jibaro is by far and away the most outstanding piece of short animated film making I've seen in recent years. Beautiful and mesmeric to watch, whilst also being utterly terrifying.

A group of conquistadors on horse back stop by a lake. One of them is deaf. You begin by hearing the world only from his perspective. He dismounts and kneels by the water to drink. The moment he does this out of the water emerges an exotic golden jewel bedecked dancing woman who begins to emit a high pitched scream. All the knights with hearing are made mad, drawn towards her and their doom. The deaf knight is untouched. He escapes pursued by the woman from the lake, who cannot understand why this man remains immune to the devastating power of her siren call.

No dialogue. All told through music, sound and visuals. It is stunning,almost bewitching. 

Highly Recommend.


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