Saturday, November 07, 2020

WATCHED - Totally Under Control

To watch this documentary is also to observe oneself becoming more and more aggravated and despairing at seeing the missteps of the US response to Covid 19 unfold. It also makes you aware that there was something willfully perverse about how the Trump administration neglected established best practice in dealing with a pandemic. 

Compare this with South Korea's response which was swift, thorough and effective, led completely by it's science and health professionals, there was no substantial economic hit because it was dealt with so quickly. 

The US however handed over responsibility to implement there response to unqualified inexperienced people, who were primarily there because they were loyal political stooges. Trump publicly ridiculed and undermined the experience of his own best health professional advisors. Side tracked a public health lead strategy by handing things over to the private sector and big pharma to make money out of pushing the use of medicines it knew were ineffective against Covid. Delayed through neglect the implementation of an effective test and trace for weeks. Set every state against each other in a bidding war for PPE that pushed up the price of it and made those PPE supply companies even wealthier. 

Worse still is that elements of this strategy hold uncomfortable echoes of the corrupt practice in handing over the test and trace system to the private sector unchallenged, to the detriment of more locally based public health initiatives, that we've seen is somewhat endemic within our own UK governments response.

Its sobering  unedifying and a concerning thing to watch as political ideology holds the effectiveness of known scientific practice up for ransom. Available to stream on BBC IPlayer.

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