Saturday, October 14, 2023

ART 'n' Ab ART - Norwich 20 Group


The sense of lofty open space and even light makes the Salthouse Church a brilliant place to hold an exhibition. The Norwich 20 Group was formed over 75 years ago. Its artists are very accomplished painters and experienced exhibitors.

Though this year's exhibitions featured a broad range of styles and accomplishments. Watercolours, oils, acrylic and mixed media plus sculpture. As I looked around I didn't find much that really excited the heart or was different enough to spark the interest or perception. It felt as though I'd seen better examples of this style of work elsewhere. 

Probably seventy five years ago, post war, most of this would have then been cutting edge and with the trend in the art schools of the time. Now you have to do something distinctive with it, otherwise it appears merely imitative, no matter how accomplished its execution is. There was post war expressionism, Kurt Schwitters influenced, bright and tightly executed still life's, op art geometric etc. So.most if the major art trends, post war were covered.

This was a nice exhibition, but I'd rather it had been less polite.

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