Saturday, December 16, 2023

SHERINGHAM DIARY 100 - Cathartic Intervals

Cottonwood Home June 1st 2019

9th December 2023
When Hubby and I moved to North Norfolk, this entailed the unravelling of a carefully woven lifestyle at that time. Moving from living in a city, a Buddhist commune and work set up, to one where there was just the two of us, residing by the coast, starting to prepare the ground for opening and running our own shop. This was the driving vision of our venture.

So here we are roughly seven years further down the line, near to the conclusion of the 'running a bricks and mortar shop' phase. And this is also my 100th Sheringham Diary post. It is tempting to overload the oracle of such conjunctions, forcing a significance upon them, on what appears merely a number. Contriving out of it, a moment written in the stars, drawing out a destiny upon the cosmic level of planetary alignment. However, what if even that contrivance is led by them too?

These sort of alignments happen, and no matter the reason for them, perhaps it is actually OK to just roll with them. Christmas itself rests under the eaves of The Winter Solstice, and this was not an accidental placement. So the closure of our business taking place either side of when sunlight ceases its decline and begins its increase. Its not insignificant in its symbolism.

Whenever I previously came to a decisive point in my life, there's often been a sense at the time of inevitability being etched within it. As though the true nature of reality had been waiting, somewhat impatiently, for you to just get on and do this. And so, once the clearance sale and the signs went up, there was a distinct picking up of the pace. The full thrust of the decision began to hit the ground running. So much so that its not impossible to envisage us being able to pack up the shop much earlier. But this may be tempting its fate, so let's wait and see.

11th December 2023
On our way back from Oxborough Hall, to see the Christmas decorations there. stopped off in Swaffham. We discovered a company office that provides individual home care and companionship for elderly and infirm people, called Home Instead, and their byline is - This time, its personal. Which sounds like a gross threat of physical abuse is being offered - 'Don't worry son we'll duff up the old duffers for ya, na worries'.

Then there was the sign by the road that said- Slow People Crossing - the meaning of which shifts back and forth between an instruction to car drivers and a description of how leisurely people traverse a road. I'll leave it to you to decide which.

Cottonwood Home 16th December 2023

15th December 2023
Quite quickly the Clearance Sale has grown thin and wan looking. And we've had to apply constant attention to keep it alive. But this state now signals the incipient arrival of Final Reductions, and the selling off of random bits of shop furnishings. As the shop itself starts to look sparse. It won't be long before we are left just with the stock we are taking forward with us to markets and online.

We have had heartening news. A customer of ours, who herself exhibits in a craft gallery in Blakeney, recommended us to the owner. She came to look at our stuff this week, and really liked us. So from mid Feb we'll be selling our stuff through there. We have currently got four possible outlets to sell our stuff through. All of which is promising.

Also, a woman we know who runs a local yarn and haberdashery shop, came in and asked Hubby if he'd be looking for part time work in the new year. So it looks like he'll be doing 2-3 days a week there. All of which is a bit of a relief on the financial front. To have nearly enough money coming in to manage, without depending on markets or online. Whatever we earn through those being extra income.

It also means we can focus with a clearer head on the matter in hand, of winding up the shop the best way we can. Emotionally, at least, this is sitting a lot easier. Though that process will still, no doubt, have its pronounced cathartic intervals.

16th December 2023
Oh, and another thing. I love Shorts on You Tube, tiny edited snippets, the essential precis, of a considerably more gargantuan, nay epic, post. The carefully chosen wording underneath that leads you to think this might be worth leering over. My current fave is - Handsome Man Devours Burger, it has had 35K views, so surely this must be worth ten seconds of anyone's life time. Click on the Link below.

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