Tuesday, August 18, 2020

200 WORDS ON - Belonging

In life we belong to many things without at any point choosing them. Born into humanity, a gender, a race, a class and a culture. In all our other relationships we’re mostly free to follow up whatever we desire for ourselves. We belong to groups, gangs, clubs, political parties, religious organisations, a marriage even, because we find there similar people with similar interests or beliefs to ourselves. Its here we feel we may belong, may be content, happy even.

Occasionally though, even here, we find ourselves torn between our desire to belong and to be free. To belong often requires some curtailing of our freedom to think, behave or desire outside whatever terms for belonging we've placed ourselves in. If feelings, beliefs or desires change or chafe against this, we can always leave. Perhaps the desire to belong might keep us there, out of loyalty, the need for friendship, camaraderie or simply connection. Yet belonging without a shared belief or affinity propelling it, will be infertile ground to grow and blossom in.

At some point we need to go beyond even 'the desire' to belong. It's our freedom to desire or our freedom from desire, which is it to be?

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