Thursday, March 10, 2022

BROTHER DAVID ON - Going With The Flow

When asked - How can I tell that I am advancing on the spiritual path?

'From my experience I would answer: when everything is flowing well, and things are happening by themselves; when I don't have to do very much. I am not driven from without but from within. 

As to flowing you have to distinguish: 

It is one thing when a fish in the river uses the current to swim, and another when a bit of wood is simply carried along by the river. 

The fish makes use of the flow of the water and can even swim against the current, while the piece of wood simply moves passively. 

So: going with the flow of life is not being driven by the current but an active response to it.'

Brother David Steindl-Rast
taken from Faith Beyond Belief - Spirituality for Our Times,
Publisher - Liturgical Press 2015

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