Thursday, March 17, 2022

BROTHER DAVID ON - Speaking From The Heart

'There are wonderful words by St Augustine in which he says
'if you speak from the heart, it will touch hearts'
Heart speaks to heart.
The implication is that nothing else speaks to the heart,
but the heart.
You have to first find that inner most centre of your being which we call the heart.
You are truly one with your body
and mind,
and intellect
and will
and emotions
and its all one.
You find this centre,
and from this centre you make the full response to the gratuitously given moment.
Then you are at your heart,
and from that heart you can speak to any other heart.
It starts from your own heart,
radiates out from there,
and if you have peace within yourself
you will change the world.'

Brother David Steindl-Rast
taken from Every Moment is a Gift a You Tube video

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