Tuesday, March 28, 2023

MY OWN WALKING - Journal March 2023

When times are hard in whatever way, I've come to expect that it will cause ripples through my emotional equilibrium too. If only to rub it in that I remain human after all.  I don't, however, want to be completely consumed by worries or concerns, because that could easily lead to unclear thinking or acting less effectively in dealing with the practicalities of it all. A balance has to be struck here between awareness and distance from it, and that balance is in my experience, always a slightly wobbly one. 

Similar to being a tightrope walker. You hold yourself erect. Keep looking forward. Strongly aware of the actual experience beneath your feet. Sense where your balance is with every step forward you take. Stay alert to your emotional state and external changes, the wind and weather that might buffet you. Never allow yourself to look down, or be down. Its rarely much help to allow an internal emotional state to totally consume you. You are more likely to fall off the tightrope when you are so distracted. If you are in a bad state, its really not the right time to walk a tightrope. Know who to go to when you do need support in maintaining your balance. Try to keep the focus on where you are heading, and what the steps you will need to take in order to get there. If you do fall off balance (and you will ) know how to get back on track.

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