Thursday, February 22, 2024

200 WORDS ON - The Fascist

Increasing populism, fundamentalism and authoritarianism are red flags, warning of the decline of a democracy. A Fascist administration is slowly slipping into being a possibility.

Described as 'the politics of them & us' what Fascism brings to the table is an unbridled Nationalism. Often attempting to restore a nations pride through mythologising a period when the country was deemed to be great.

Fascism tends to emerge in countries already broken and on their knees. The Fascist leader arrives posing as a man of the people, come to save his country from its destitute state. Desperate people do desperate things, Where a bit of lite fascism might do us all a bit of good.

Fascist's arrive and take a wrecking ball to the countries democratic governance and culture. State persecution, media disinformation, social division, racism, misogyny, homophobia, a climate of fear is cultivated around the idea of enemies within, here dissent itself becomes traitorous, all become prevalent.

Fascists will never leave office quietly, they usually having to be removed by force or assassination.. All Fascist administrations triumph via one man's ego gratification and end in egregious tyranny. The toppling spirit of democratic freedom and renewal can takes quite a while to re-emerge.

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