Sunday, February 04, 2024

200 WORDS ON - The Populist

Populist politicians present policies as popular expressions of 'the will of the people'. This cannot be claimed by any party when it draws its legitimacy from a third of the population. At best exhorting the ‘will’ in a majority vote first past the post system,is only partial in its efficacy. Drawing upon tropes of the populist is a political strategy centuries old.

The Populist adopts whatever they believe has wide popularity in the general public, or within their imagined core voters.

The Populist will often say one thing to be popular, and speak the exact opposite later the same day. In a different context and time, contradictory ideas are given equally enthusiastic voice. Resulting policy inconsistency brings chaos in there wake. Truth becomes chained to context and place, not the facts of the matter.

The Populist is compelled by their own innate inconsistency, to argue they never said something, have been misquoted, or taken out of context. If these fail to stick, they lie or attack whoever is pointing out the cognitive dissonance.

The Populist stands for nothing substantive, except their own popularity and pampering of their ego. They are tragically, the consequence and crude manifestation of Post-Modern relativism.

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