Saturday, September 30, 2023

SHERINGHAM DIARY No 93 - Unpromising Weather

It's been a while since I last posted an apt shop name. This one Hubby found. Its a unisex barbers in the Farringdon area of London. Its called Barber Streisand, which is pure genius.

With the 1940's weekend now out of the way, we usually enter a period during the remains of September of a gradual slowing of sales. This pootles along till we reach October Half Term which marks the end of the tourist season. Christmas having never been a big feature on the retail calendar for us.

This year, however, the late summer season has come very abruptly to a halt. The last two weeks of September being similar in feel to the winter months. Earlier in the year we considered what the future options might be for our business. The time to decide is fast looming upon us. Both of us are pooped. Even the summer season, usually a time to relax and roll with the momentum, has been fraught with stress. Days so quiet you can hear despair whispering in your ear. Our really good days failing to shine with quite the same brilliance they once had. Nothing is how it was a couple of years ago. It then becomes a job of work to not let any of this get to you. Staying engaged, positive and responsive has become part of our everyday job of work. 

The thought of putting all that behind us, if only for a week, feels like a gift of pure bliss. So we are taking a well earned week's holiday in Whitby and North Yorkshire. We've booked a bungalow ten minutes from the town centre. Intending to avoid too much driving once we get there. The journey up alone will take us 4-5 hours. Its a place we have visited innumerable times, and we love it.

The shop, prevents us from taking holidays in the times where there is a greater chance of good weather. Consequently we've become accustomed to travelling hopefully, and making the most of whatever climate actually turns up. Having been remarkably fortunate in weather in a large number of our early Autumn or not yet Spring holidays. The possibility of inclemency has always to be met with equanimity. It maybe overcast, but there's no reason to respond in kind.

I think back quite a few years ago, to an earlier visit to Whitby. You'll find it somewhere in the back catalogue of Sheringham Diaries on the blog. Of a time when the entire North East Coast was plagued by dense freezing fog, seemingly unending. Whitby Abbey was one of the most thrilling atmospheric visits I have ever had to an ancient monument. It was a real highlight, that was completely unexpected. You never know what may come out of unpromising weather.

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